Pet Memorials

Sir Robin of TAH (Robby)
February 1, 2006 – October 19, 2018
With much sadness, Dr. Mike and Susan Andrews said goodbye to their sweet dog on October 19, 2018. There is a hole in our hearts where this Golden boy took up residence twelve years ago. Robby was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma in August, a cancer that had attacked his spleen and metastasized to other organs. Robby was an incredible dog. He possessed every quality of a perfect companion: friendly, loving, gentle, loyal, intelligent, stoic, and special in every way. He loved everyone and every living creature. He was in his glory when people visited, especially the grandsons. He greeted his favorite vet home from work with an excited dance every night. And how he loved coming to TAH! (He knew that there were always treats for him in Nina’s pockets.) Thank you to our wonderful staff for helping us through this today: Nina, Angela, Lisa, and Ashley. Those of us who bring pets into our lives know the reality that their time with us will be comparatively short, but we wouldn’t trade one minute of the joy and delight they offer.

Sept. 28, 2008 – July 24, 2015
Loki was full of personality with a good dose of mischief thrown in. He was a much-loved little guy, and is terribly missed by his family and his buddy, Foster.

Captain Jack Flak
Jan. 2, 1996 – April 21, 2006
Jack was a great companion to Mike and Susan Andrews, and to all who knew him. His motto was “I’m so pretty, I don’t have to be good.”

1980 – Feb. 25, 1998
April 1993 – Sept. 22, 2005
“Clark is just a grey ball of purr” according to my daughter years ago when Clark was still a kitten. He was the greatest and smartest pet we ever had. A great ambassador for all cats. This picture of Clark with Khitomer is Mike’s all time favorite.
Named after the Klingon outpost, Khitomer was a sweet cat, though a little more independent. Jack was her best friend.

1990 – December 2008
Chelsea, our hospital cat, was a favorite of the TAH staff. She delighted in finding every spot of the hospital where the door was not closed. Her favorite pastimes were eating and sleeping, but did like to hit the computer keyboards while the staff was entering data.

Feburary 17th, 2019
Sherman lost his battle with cardiomyopathy on Feburary 17th, 2019. Rescued as a kitten 13 years ago, he lived a comfortable life with dogs and cats in the home of Dr. Mike and Susan Andrews. As a kitten, he was named by Ryan Andrews because he resembled a famous photo of General William Tecumseh Sherman. He lived up to his name. Often cantankerous, he had a loving side that he frequently showed to his owners.